Airing your home every day is essential to protect your health from the risks of indoor pollution.
Contrary to popular belief, harmful substances in the home pose a greater danger than those outside.
In fact, doctors recommend airing enclosed spaces, such as the home or office, for fifteen to thirty minutes every day. This should preferably be done in the morning or evening, when outside pollution is minimal.
Aerate to eliminate unpleasant odours naturally:
When faced with unpleasant smells such as smoke, burnt food, varnish, paint or mould, the first reaction to eliminate unpleasant odours is often to air the room immediately.
However, this natural practice is increasingly being replaced by the use of scented candles or air freshener sprays, adding to indoor pollution.
Despite industry attempts to reduce the toxicity of these products, ventilation remains the only truly effective solution for eliminating unpleasant odours while protecting your health.
Ventilate to prevent mould formation:
To prevent mould growth, it’s essential to ventilate regularly. A lack of ventilation encourages excessive humidity, leading to these undesirable developments.
The areas most affected are the kitchen and bathroom.
It is important to note that controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) does not replace natural daily ventilation to maintain a mould-free environment.
Ventilate to reduce indoor pollution :
To reduce indoor pollution, it’s essential to open your windows. This removes chemical pollutants from furniture, carpets and decorations.
Some pollutants can reach concentrations up to 15 times higher indoors than outdoors.
Regular airing is a crucial practice for preventing the build-up of volatile substances in the indoor environment.
Combating the risk of disease:
To combat the risk of illness linked to indoor air quality, respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and allergies are taken into account.
Regular aeration helps to reduce these discomforts and plays a preventive role against more serious illnesses. Some common chemical compounds can cause health problems.
That’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy indoor environment.
Ensuring psychological well-being :
Taking action is crucial to psychological well-being. On the other hand, the build-up of bacteria, dust and pet hair all affect indoor air quality.
Carpets are ideal for dust mites and can create a depressing atmosphere.
Regular airing, even for short periods, is necessary to revitalise the air, thereby promoting psychological well-being.
So by incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you’ll be helping to create a healthier indoor environment that promotes both your physical health and your psychological well-being.
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